How Big are Serama Chicks?

You’ll often read how small serama chicks are, but it can be difficult to determine scale from a photo that only shows seramas.

This week at Oregon Serama, we happen to be brooding two sets of babies off the same heat lamp, so it’s a great time to show you just how tiny these chicks are!

On the right are 4 one day old seramas.

On the left are 7 blue laced red wyandotte chicks and 1 buff sebright chick (another small bantam breed) at the top. We just bought these chicks a few days ago. They’re probably a little over a week old and very typical of the chick size you see at the feed store. In fact, because they’re bantams they’re still smaller than large fowl chicks.

Serama Chick Size Comparison

Here’s another snap from last fall. We hatched seramas, 1 bantam cochin and 2 chicks that were a cross of bantam cochin and large fowl orpington. Here the chicks are a couple days old and you can also see how quickly the wing feathers come in on serama chicks.

serama chick size comparison

As they grow, the size difference becomes increasingly apparent. Here are the two cochin/orp cross chicks beside a serama cockerel at one month old.

serama cockerel size

At roughly 5.5 months old these birds are close to their full-grown size and the cochin/orp pullet now dwarfs him.

Serama rooster size

So now you know what to expect if you’ve been thinking about hatching serama eggs.

The small size of the breed can make these chickens difficult to hatch, but they are a total joy and worth the bit of extra effort.

Happy Hatching! ❤

2 thoughts on “How Big are Serama Chicks?

  1. Denise Johnson August 17, 2016 / 3:38 pm

    Is there something extra that needs to be done when hatching the Seramas?


    • OregonSerama August 17, 2016 / 5:05 pm

      Hi Denise! The main thing is to grind the chick starter feed, as the pieces are too large for them. I use my blender and I usually grind it for the first few weeks. I notice serama chicks are also more prone to pasty butt so you gotta keep an extra eye on that. Some recommend adding a little sand to the starter feed as a grit to prevent the pasty. I haven’t tried it yet but I can’t see that it’d hurt as long as it’s a small amount in relation to the feed. Oh, I also use a quail water base for the first week or so as there’s a danger of them drowning in a normal chick waterer before they’ve gotten their coordination. Happy Hatching!


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